Sunday, May 15, 2011

3 to go... Cleaning Before a Trip

Ah thank goodness today is a day that I did not have to ‘go to town.’ Those that have visited know that ‘going to town’ means ‘ heading to the big city of La Crosse versus the small town of Chaseburg. Chaseburg is 5 minutes east while La Crosse is about 20-30 minutes northwest.

It’s a good thing I have one day to stay home since there is plenty to do before departure.  Does anybody else like to come home after a trip to a straightened clean house?  The place is never as straightened until I leave to go out of town...  

Awaiting me are these dreadful piles. I don't work that hard to make these piles but they are a result of a semester's worth of accumulation. AND if I leave these piles anywhere else, Irv will make them into one very large pile. These piles consist of papers that need to be filed, work papers that need to be sorted and reorganized, mail that needs to be answered/ paid, papers saved for all sorts of reasons… You get the picture. I can’t see the top of my desk.

Wait here’s a visual. It took me all semester to get this lived - in look. I call this a workroom. LOL.

So whether your pre- trip projects are self imposed/someone else’s idea you know that you might as well tackle them ASAP especially if you are leaving with our group on Wednesday.
when you finish them, you will feel a lot better.  I know my desk does...  



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