Sunday, May 29, 2011

Last day together at Costa del Sol beachside...

Friday marked our last day for all of us together and we were fortunate enough to spend it at the beach at Costa del Sol.

We stayed in bungalows and had an eventful day at the beach with Tracy and Stephanie boogie boarding, Adam running for over an hour, some beach walks, shell collecting, sunning, crab chasing and even toad hunting amidst eating our meals al fresco. The ocean air did us good. Amber wins for the best burn but we all left with a bit more color except for Sister Marie. The evening was a bit sleepless with two cabins ending up with 4 each rather than the designated 2 people. Togetherness. One cabin shared their space with a very active cat in the rafters. The ceiling tiles would bow with the weight of the unknown critter and then it would pounce every once in a while... pretty scary stuff. One bungalow got all the cockroaches and then there even was a toad visitor. Amber, Tricia and Grant took off for the airport before 6am Saturday and we dropped Adam off on our way back into San Salvador. 11- 4 = 7. So now it's just my 6 pollitas and me. Students took both written and oral placement exams on Saturday afternoon and then our host families gave us a nice reception with traditional foods. We have a varied experienced set of hosts and I am sure that we will all come home being much more appreciative of the daily things we take for granted with SPACE and PRIVACY being at the top of the list.

1 comment:

  1. You make it sound oh so charming! I'll bet your own bathroom and bed will be welcomed soon!
